Sunday, February 24, 2008

Killing America - Corporatists, Oligarchs, Bankers and Religion

Numerous outlets on the internet (AlterNet, Common Dreams, etc.) seem to carry more and more angry responses to articles and each other relative to the destruction of America and her promise of a truly democratic republic "of the people, by the people and for the people". From boardrooms of corporations where the privileged few garner the overwhelming share of the fruits of American labor (or the slave labor exported outside our borders) to the best (worst) bunch of hooligans in DC that money can buy, the United States is rapidly turning into an international pariah that tortures, steals, mocks human values and doesn't give a fig about its own population at large.

Recently, I read a piece outlining the 7 prerequisites for (national) revolution - they are all presently extant to one degree or another in America. Because of the gun laws in this country, many are armed. Should a violent revolution take place in the US, the destruction of institutions, infrastructure and the economy would be so deep and widespread that it would take many generations for recovery, if recovery were to happen at all. Anarchy, racial and religious revenge/retribution/sheer evil - all would peak until some kind of populist leadership could emerge - or not.

Do we have a Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Payne or Franklin in our midst, or have we so polluted and compromised our national character that even on person of this calibre would be too much to ask for, much less more than one with the courage to stand in the face of death and declare independence from greed, oligarchs and religious zealots? I wonder.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Petraeus - did betray us.

Gen. David Petraeus stepped on his member pretty seriously when he failed to say the Bush bullshit line "... they'll follow us home." Instead, when asked if our continued presence in Iraq made America safer, he responded "I don't know." Wow, an honest answer.

Democrats - look - no cojones here! - have yet to put it to the administration that even if Bush doesn't, they do, listen to the American people and there is no more money for the execution of this war and the illegal, misbegotten occupation of Iraq. Money will be provided to get our people and equipment out. War profiteering, plundering friends of Bush can pay their own fucking way home. In the meantime, all of our troops will withdraw from danger and wait for the big bird home. Any attacks on our military bases will result in instant and utter destruction of the attacking forces - including any Sunni, Shiite, Mahdi Army, police or Iraqi military assholes that we've been stupid enough to arm and give money to.

While the withdrawal is taking place, all ranking members of the Bush administration must do their jobs from the massive embassy we're building in Baghdad and be the last ones out - Cheney and Bush being the very last ones out.

Sounds like an actual plan to me.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Anti-Iraq war sentiment in Pontiac, Michigan

Tuesday evening, August 28th, there was a meeting sponsored in part by at Pontiac Central H.S. in Pontiac, Michigan. My estimate, based on the full lower auditorium at the school, is at least 450 to 500 folks against this despicable Bush adventure.

Speakers ranged from local, vocal opponents of Bush and war such as Bruce Fealk, to Detroit's own John Conyers. Of course, Joe Knollenberg didn't show.

Music, including a line that contained the word "bullshit", was provided by the "Ragin' Grandmas". who didn't pull any punches, obviously, about how they feel regarding the present administration in D.C. A panel of local folks was asked questions from the audience. Their answers were pretty good, if occasionally lengthy. A local reverend could only offer prayer as a means of fighting city hall - doesn't work, nobody's listening rev. But he got the picture, I think, when shouts of "action" came from the audience (not me, I just muttered under my breath).

Numerous signs were handed out and held up in the audience including calls for impeachment and "Suppor the Troops, Bring them Home" types of signs. It is unfortunate that when the shrub (King George) goes anywhere, his minions prevent him from seeing or hearing the real roots of this country clamoring for his head. I recommend everyone who gives a damn about this country deluge the White House email with criticism and nastiness - perhaps the lying coward in the Oval Office will at least get a bad vibe.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Have been watching Christiane Amanpour's "God's Warriors" on CNN. How frightening are these people - Jews, Muslims and Christians who are certain that their "God" and their religion is the one true way. The derivative nature of these and all previous religions bespeaks of a psychosis that defies rational thought. Within the Christian cults, Catholics believe theirs is the true "Christianity", evangelists, Mormons, et. al. believe the same. They can't all be right.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why hell and handbaskets?

Why name a blog "hell and handbaskets"? Perhaps because the entire human race would seem to be rushing headlong into a giant handbasket headed for hell (not biblical, Quran-ish or religious hell - just hell on earth - run by bankers, politicians, popes and the pious, tv evangelists, creationists -peculiarly ignorant lot - and generally fundamentalist religious nut-jobs of all stripes).

Religion(s) would seem to be at the helm, leading people into hate, distrust, violence against their fellow humans; followed by the majority of "governments" - collections of individuals, some elected, many in power as result of violence and intimidation (Bush???) who foment a form of Orwell's 1984 mantra of constant diversion from getting screwed by the powers that be to fear of outside "evils". Bush's "they hate us for our freedom" is a great example of misdirection and fear mongering. Not as fundamental as religions' "believe as we do or go to hell forever (or maybe we'll just kill you, torture your family and steal all your stuff" (Catholics are good at this).

As the 2008 U.S. elections approach, Americans will have the opportunity to weed out the dreck that has populated our national government for too long. Unfortunately, many Americans are so stupid as to believe what has been proven wrong time and again - whether about religion, Iraq, K Street, Chinese trade, etc. and these yahoos vote. I hope those who see this blog and contribute new information to get to the masses will take a step further and speak out to any audience they may have to re-invigorate a real dialogue unfettered by bigotry, religious indoctrination, special (read corporate) interests and generally uninformed - or Fox News (faux news) informed fools. It is hoped that a new American revolution can be peaceful, accomplished at the polls, but should the Republican caging, cheating, machine corrupting b.s. steal another election - I think action must take place in the streets and corporate office buildings of the growing oligarchy.