Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Petraeus - did betray us.

Gen. David Petraeus stepped on his member pretty seriously when he failed to say the Bush bullshit line "... they'll follow us home." Instead, when asked if our continued presence in Iraq made America safer, he responded "I don't know." Wow, an honest answer.

Democrats - look - no cojones here! - have yet to put it to the administration that even if Bush doesn't, they do, listen to the American people and there is no more money for the execution of this war and the illegal, misbegotten occupation of Iraq. Money will be provided to get our people and equipment out. War profiteering, plundering friends of Bush can pay their own fucking way home. In the meantime, all of our troops will withdraw from danger and wait for the big bird home. Any attacks on our military bases will result in instant and utter destruction of the attacking forces - including any Sunni, Shiite, Mahdi Army, police or Iraqi military assholes that we've been stupid enough to arm and give money to.

While the withdrawal is taking place, all ranking members of the Bush administration must do their jobs from the massive embassy we're building in Baghdad and be the last ones out - Cheney and Bush being the very last ones out.

Sounds like an actual plan to me.